Databases - Industry Terms

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The Industry terms tool provides lists of common search terms grouped by category. This makes it easy to discover some of the top searches for specific industries. To display the Industry terms, click on the Industry terms button in the toolbar.

Note: This list is not filtered and may contain adult related keywords

The industry keyword list

The keywords listed are the top searches driving traffic to websites in this category.

Volume indicates the percentage of clicks that sites in this category receive from each search term. The total includes all subcategories.

For example, weather has a volume of 2.07% under the news category. This means 2.07% of all websites categorized under the news category are receiving traffic from the keyword, weather.

This figure is calculated by analyzing actual traffic received by sites in this category. This means that it only includes successful searches.

In this database, We monitor around 4 million users and where they go online. If the site that they have clicked through to is also indexed in the directory, we then check exactly under what category that site is categorized under and then we simply match that original search term to the same category. For example, the category Business/Accounting/Associations is referenced to

Select a category from the list on the left to drill down to more specific categories. Keywords from this list can be added to a project, analysed, cross referenced and exported.

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